
Your life is about to change.

The Ten Testaments presents ten timeless principles Jesus taught over two thousand years ago for love and happiness, better relationships, increasing self-confidence, genuine enthusiasm, and an understanding of how God is with us every day.

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  • TESTAMENT IV: I Will Have Faith
    Do I believe in the wind when I cannot see it? Do I believe in the sun when the night is dark? Do I believe in my Father when I’ve never seen His face? The answers depend on faith. Every person feels the breeze on their skin. Every person sees the morning light as darknessContinue reading “TESTAMENT IV: I Will Have Faith”
  • Love One Another
    A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. All men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another. John 13:34–35 TESTAMENT II WILL LOVE MY NEIGHBOR Since the beginning of time, people have searched for the keyto happiness. ToContinue reading “Love One Another”

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